Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20: All Nighter......

Just like art school.
Difference is, I'm an adult and this sucks!

Technical difficulties.
Ran out of printer ink at 9:30.

I have no idea what I'm going to do. Fortunately, I'm in LA at 2:45 and should be able to find a kinkos before the presentation.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19: Freaking Out

I'm flying to LA on Friday to make a presentation to potential partners in a start-up.
I am not prepared.

Back to work!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18: Drivers License

Do I need to get a 'Learners Permit, before I get a drivers license?
I'm on the NYC DMV website and all signs point to yes.
This is NOT a 24 hour process like I hoped, especially in the middle of an ice storm.
I guess I'll be cabbing it around LA this weekend.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17: Finally...

....after a long break in December including the holidays, tough work schedules, and illness, I finally managed to meet with my companys CFO.
We're so close. All we need is to fine tune our business plan and update our product, marketing, and financial strategy and we're ready to present to potential investors.
This has been a year long journey, at times with no end in sight. Honestly, I didn't think it I would ever see the finish line. Since the start, we've changed concepts several times while having to walk away from partners and friends. We've been embarrassed sitting in front of VCs unprepared for the moment. At times, I just wanted to walk away but remind myself, this is why I left my job, abandoned a stable career and steady paycheck.
This is why I'm here.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 16: Again and Again......

...I sit at my desk late at night to express my feelings about a day gone by.
Today was a great day filled with a full range of emotions.
Frustration at another weekend lost to a lack of motivation and productivity.
Stress due to my unemployment and inspired by the challenge of current career opportunities.
I woke up feeling overwhelmed and sad for no particular reason.
I wish I had the weekend to do over.
I wish it was better planned and perfectly executed.
I wish, as Sunday comes to and end, I was feeling accomplished and empowered.
I wish.

I saw the 'The Kings Speech' today and it was truly amazing.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Resolution #3: 15 Minutes a Night

Wash face, brush teeth, and apply moisturizer before bed.
Too often, I get home, turn off the TV, or finish working and forget my beauty regime.
Maybe it's vanity or maybe it's because the grey is coming out, my knees are aching, and I'm seeing some early wrinkles. I'm feeling old and don't want to look it.
Today, I stopped by my favorite spa store, Amore Pacific and picked up some product and scheduled a facial. 
The people there are so helpful, knowledgable, and generous with free samples. Also, they send thank you cards and free samples in the mail. There's something about the personal touch of a hand written letter.
Starting today: Spend 15 minutes a night preparing for bed.

Today's Endorsement: Amore Pacific

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14: New Job

It's a good sign when the consulting job I've been working on is sending me to LA next weekend and Florence Italy on the 26th.
I still have a huge presentation to prepare for and meeting with the partners next week. If all goes well, things will be looking up.
It's funny, what's making me happy isn't a new environment, promotion, or raise.  It's the fear and challenge of trying something new.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13: 12:00 Deadline

I'm always rushing to finish my blog post before the 12:00 deadline. It doesn't help that I start at 11:55.
New strategy - "The Morning Post"
Tomorrow's topic: My new job

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12: 12 Days.....

...... and there's been some ups and downs as I chronicle my journey to find happiness, fulfillment, and employment?  It's Day 12 and I don't know what this blog is or what these posts are meant to represent. Is this meant for an audience or for self motivation.

I'm sitting here listening to Loretta Lynn, Van Lear Rose, polishing off a bottle of Zinfandel; wondering if I'm on a path of self discovery or destruction.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11: Snow day

Resolution #2: I'm CEO...Bitch.

People always ask me;  "what company do I want to work for?"
I never have a good answer, or at least an honest one.
I'll mention a few options to move the conversation forward, knowing I'll never follow through with meetings or interviews.
I'm unemployed and do very little to find a job.
I keep my extensive list of recruiters on the line and engaged so I have full visibility of all the available opportunities. They don't care about what I want. They're useless.
There isn't a magical elixer or perfect job.
Should I compromise for stability or take a chance on the unknown.

Answer: I'm starting a business.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Resolution #1: 20 Minutes a Day

I remember something my brother said in an effort to encourage and motivate me as I embarked on one of my yearly 'Get in Shape' resolutions. He said, "It's only 20 minutes out of your day." That's an impactful statement considering how little 20 minutes means in a day but how important a 20 minute run means to your life, health, and happiness.
The winter run is a painful experience but so much more rewarding considering how easy it is to back out. It's always too cold, Icy, and dark with mounds of snow creating an obstacle course on every corner.
I bundle up and hit the streets, giving a nod to the other 'hard core' winter runners. I wonder if I'll see them all winter long. I think about my brothers encouraging words and I feel a boost of energy.
No excuses, It's only 20 minutes.
Today was a breakthrough after 5 days of struggling to complete a run. I ran for 20-25 minutes and felt good.
I can't wait for tomorrows run.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6: Remain Calm

As the 1st week of the new year comes to an end, I'm not happy with my progress.
I haven't clearly identified the changes I want to make in my life and accomplishments I'm hoping to achieve in the new year. I'm feeling more and more overwhelmed as each day passes.
I'm currently in my 4th month of unemployment and nervous I won't find work before my Insurance runs out and savings run dry.
I need to shake this feeling off.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5: Shelves

Checking it off the list.

Day 4: Dinner @ Takahachi, Ave A NYC

Tonight, in the mood for some sushi so we stopped in to one of our neighborhood favorites.
Takahachi is always crowded but never disappoints with a lively atmosphere,  fresh sushi, and great prices.

Check out the 'SKULL' in my beer suds.
It reminds me of a few favorite websites :

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4: Distractions

I woke up this morning feeling the same......Overwhelmed.
To keep myself from stressing out, I fill my schedule with mindless tasks and routine chores.
Clean the house, buy groceries, organize, and do laundry.
I tell myself (and my girlfriend) I'm being productive but I know it's all a lie.
When I ran out of things to do today, I picked up some paint and painted my living and bedroom.
Tomorrow I'm assembling a shelving unit for my office.

I went for a 15 minute run to sweat out some stress and frustration for the Day 4 failures.
When I got back, I felt good and plugged in the first P90X video.
It was going well until the rubber exercise bands SNAPPED in mid rep leaving a 10 inch welt on my chest. I laid on the floor, trying to catch my breath for a couple minutes thanking god the bands didn't hit my face or eyes. Once I recovered, I ran to my computer to send a scathing email to the manufacturer SPRI. I read it over and over again, making a few edits and additions until I remembered one of my New Years resolutions.........."Take a Breath."
So I did.

.......and sent the email.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3: Change of Plans

Todays Agenda:
1) Update my resume and LinkedIn profile.
2) Prepare my business portfolio for Wednesdays interview.
3) Conference call with my business partners
4) Grocery Store
5) Container Store - ALPHA Shelving sale.......30% off.
5) Run / P90X

What actually happened:
A surprise visit from a friend, leading to an impromptu business meeting, late lunch, and a beer.
Not the plan but a good day.

Tomorrows Agenda:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2: Sundays

I usually think of Sundays as a 'Fresh Start', making changes in my life based on the previous weeks failures and bad decisions. I'd say things like " I'm never going to drink again" or "be a better person."
I'd use Sundays, New Years, or birthdays to make changes because they marked a new beginning.
This is the first Sunday of the new year and i'm treating it like any other day. It should have double importance being the beginning of the week, having all my new years resolutions fresh in my mind.
I should've joined the gym, bought groceries for the week, read a book, and done something adventurous like skydiving.
Instead, I slept in and didn't accomplish too much.
I enjoyed a nice day, walked around the city, and ran a few errands.
I bought a yellow lamp.....check it out.

I went for a 15 minute run and planned on starting P90X. 
Technical difficulties sent me to the showers early. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1: Happy New Year

Not a great start to the new year having spent a beautiful day at home.
I went for a 15 minute run and felt terrible the entire time.
I guess tomorrow's a new day.